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Da musene holdt råd


Herman Wildenvey fortalt for ”de minste” i barnehager i Da musene holdt råd er en liten fortellerstund for de ”eldste i barnehagene”. Et upretensiøst møte mellom barna, skuespillere, diktet og dukkene. Vi ønsker å gi barn en kreativ opplevelse og personalet i barnehagene en inspirasjon til videre arbeid med drama, dukker, kulturhistoriske temaer og rim (poesi) spesielt.
Dukkemaker: Jon Mihle. Med: Rune Temte


"TROLL"  presents a selection of folk tales staged in a lively and playful way. We invite you to a meeting between the public, Asbjørnsen & Moe's adventure, Th.Kittelsen and the theater . People and Adventures Th.Kittelsens illustrations represent an important part of our cultural heritage that we wish to convey.


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Document Ibsen

In “Document Ibsen” the set, the projected images, the actor’s movement and the voice on tape are being mixed. This takes the audience from fiction to reality, from theory to fiction, and from the dramatists biography to the way he was idealised. The theatre gives us the opportunity to see the person Henrik Ibsen in endless ways. All his plays and characters originate from the person Henrik Ibsen. (He often used people he knew (of) as models for his characters) He (Ibsen) is the man, the lover, the father, the intimate friend of his heroines.  Ibsen is also Anne Marie Rekdals “virtual lover” who speaks through his “voice”. Rekdal speaks, like Nora, with another person’s voice. Nora with Hjalmar`s. Anne Marie Rekdal with Ibsen’s.


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This article is not translated yet.

Kykkelikasse er et stykke som taler til barn i alle aldre med sitt fysiske formspråk og enkle historie. Uten på noen måte å virke moraliserende eller "overtydelig" berøres temaer som mobbing, egoisme, misunnelse, sjalusi, lojalitet, vennskap, manipulasjon, ærgjerrighet, status og skiftende allianser. Her lever de voksne i en verden barna lett kan kjenne seg igjen i og identifisere seg med. 


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Atopisk - in the wrong place

Atopisk means "in the wrong place". The show is based on a true story. Rune Temte, the writer of the play, has for more than 15 years lived with "atopisk eczema", both as a professional sportsman and as an actor. The show is also focusing on universal problems like; in today's society how do we view our body, as an object? What kind of relationship do we have to our body, as an object today? How do we transform, change and "destroy" our body to reshape it for new ideals and trends?


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This time it's Herman

"This time it is Herman" is a 50 minutes long performance in a cabaret style where the life and work of Herman Wildenvey stands central, the starting-point is an argument over the right of origin between the towns Stavern and Mjøndalen. The performance starts off with an encounter of two people with different backgrounds and relationship to Wildevey. The show contains well-known and less known poems, like "The ring", "The repentant" and "Kiss". 


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Copyright © Temte Productions | Photos: Tomm Hansen